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Who and what is Keen Deed?

Keen Deed is a company based on altruistic intentions. The objective is to help people achieve their goals. Be it by teaching health and fitness classes, taking a photo, creating a document, or even just helping your grandparents set up their television. Together, we will reach the goal!

Danielle Keen is the founder and creator of Keen Deed. She is a Wellness, Health and Fitness professional as well as an adjunct professor.  Her many years of being an apprentice to her grandfather (a painter by trade), lend to the several other skillsets and interests she possesses. She is also passionate about the arts, is a writer and has  performed and hosted Open Mic Showcases and Fundraisers for Music and Poetry at several venues.


She is interested in many fields, a Jane of many trades, and open to exploring the roads ahead together.

If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries about services, please do not hesitate reach out and connect.

CRoss Paths

Photo credit: Tina Wygal 

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